The Canadian Special Operations Regiment Association (CSOR-A) is a not-for-profit association established in May of 2016 that serves as the formal link between current and former members of the Regiment. The CSOR-A provides targeted support to currently serving and retired members and their families, as well as serving as the champion for members preparing for post-military life and providing tailored transition support.
The CSOR Association will foster, promote and help support the wellbeing of members and the Regimental Family through advocacy and mentorship while maintaining ties with CSOR and key external stakeholders.
CSOR-A members are part of your community. Whether they are still serving or have transitioned to the civilian sector, these resoursceful, mature, motivated, thinking warriors are driven to succeed wherever their path leads, whatever they set out to accomplish. Many CSOR-A members hold leadership positions in the civilian sector, have started their own businesses, or are active in civic life.
A robust and adaptable tool in the Canadian Armed Forces operational arsenal, CSOR combines mobility and firepower with a host of special operations skills required to conduct and enable operations at home and abroad. Formed in 2006, CSOR is internationally recognized for being an innovative, cutting-edge force. The men and women of CSOR provide Canada's Special Operations Forces with a public face representative of the CAFs’ very best: fit, resourceful, mature, motivated, thinking warriors.
CSOR proudly traces its roots to the First Special Service Force (FSSF), the fabled Canadian-American Special Forces unit that was stood-up in 1942 and earned the “Black Devils” moniker for daring night raids on Nazi forces at the Anzio beachhead. CSOR proudly carries the Black Devils’ battle honours, and the Devils’ spirit live on at CSOR. This historical connection is also perpetuated today by the United States Army Special Forces, better known as the Green Berets. Both CSOR and the Green Berets have and continue to work closely together around the globe during missions in Afghanistan, Jamaica, Mali and Niger. Currently, CSOR and Green Berets are cooperating in the fight against ISIS in Iraq.